The urge to ensure that our efforts to not bring us back to where we started, took us on a radical journey - one where we leave the plane and traverse above it to gain the 361st degree. This spiral path upwards leads to endless gain in altitude, in development and growth.
We believe that a small shift - in attitude, in behaviour, in action - made by organizations and individuals can make all the difference to where they reach and what they achieve in the long run.
361° minds is thus a metaphor for "a state of mind of people or organizations that constantly seek a higher plane, a more evolved and complete paradigm". It simply reflects the human resoluteness of constantly striving to do better today than yesterday, resulting in continuous improvement and development.
Our Core Value
Pursuing continuous improvement, making today better than yesterday
Our Guiding Principles
• 100% action-orientation
• Rooted on measured results
• Closing the know-do gap / awareness to action gap
• Contextualization of curriculum as per ICCP (Industry, Country, Culture, People)
• Research driven curriculum, design, and delivery
• Aiming for higher learning retention, learning transfer, and evaluating outcomes
• Deploy suitable process for each learning need
• Rigorous - thorough - comprehensive and deep learning
• Belief in farming of habits, not cramming (Thank you Covey)
Our Vision
We see us creating and delivering large scale, inventive (home-grown) L&E solutions for Corporates, Education Institutions, and Government bodies, in India and internationally.
We see us making available affordable and effective learning & education solutions to large groups of learners.
We see us offering graduation / diploma programs for college education in collaboration with universities.
We see us as an enriching work place for our employees.

• The founders have more than a decade of rich experience in Learning & Education arena touching wide spectrum of society- scientists, corporate professionals, business managers, CEOs, college students, teachers, parents, and school students.
• 361DM was founded by Gopi, Ram, and Ritu in 2006...

The founders have more than a decade of rich experience in Learning & Education field, touching wide spectrum of society...

• Conducting special purpose seminars /workshops for college students, school students at NO COST to them.
• Conducting Parenting Workshops in schools, society at NO COST to them

Born in 2006 with a simple yet hard-to-achieve goal of putting leadership knowledge to work among corporate managers, 361DM has had remarkable accomplishments in its beginning years itself.