- Our world where knowledge is in abundance still lying unutilized, work diligently towards 'action'ing the knowledge (implementing it) rather than hoarding it.
- Our world where 'access' to education is inversely related to its 'excellence' , create something that can make both
happen... make available learning & education programs that are both excellent (effective) and accessible to people at affordable prices.
Some of our Key Initiatives towards CSR
- Conducting special purpose seminars/workshops for college students, school students at NO COST to them
- Conducting Parenting Workshops in schools, society at NO COST to them
- Supporting entrepreneurs who are looking to create an enterprise in education, by way of one-on-one mentoring
- Founding members of 361DM are Charter Members of TiE (The Indus Entrepreneurs), Chennai Chapter and they actively contribute to the furtherance of TiE's mission. TiE was founded in 1992 in Silicon Valley by a group of successful entrepreneurs, corporate executives, and senior professionals with roots in India. Currently, TiE is present in 53 chapters across 12 countries and their mission is to foster entrepreneurship globally through mentoring, networking, and education)
- Founding members of 361DM are a part of the NEN speakers club and contribute to the furtherance of NEN's mission. (National Entrepreneurship Network (NEN), not-for-profit initiative founded by the Wadhwani Foundation)

• The founders have more than a decade of rich experience in Learning & Education arena touching wide spectrum of society- scientists, corporate professionals, business managers, CEOs, college students, teachers, parents, and school students.
• 361DM was founded by Gopi, Ram, and Ritu in 2006...

When something traverses 360 degrees, it goes round a full circle but it also comes to where it started. Mathematically, 360 degrees is also 0 degrees - reason enough why 360° is not enough...

The founders have more than a...

Born in 2006 with a simple yet hard-to-achieve goal of putting leadership knowledge to work among corporate managers, 361DM has had remarkable...