361 Degree Minds (361DM) is a Learning & Education company, driven by research and powered by technology
Born in 2006 with a simple yet hard-to-achieve goal of putting leadership knowledge to work among corporate managers, 361DM has had remarkable accomplishments in its beginning years itself.
The founders have more than a decade of rich experience in Learning & Education arena touching wide spectrum of society. We are essentially educationists who use technology to deliver effective learning & education.
A Glorious Beginning
We put together our Adult Learning Guide derived from our experience of working with 1000s of managers from 100s of companies, and extensive study of global research done in the area.
We created our proprietary learning process called MetaTraining™, through which we successfully and effectively delivered leadership programs to corporate managers from 20 nationalities across the world, working in 5 countries in the Asia Pacific region.
Evolution to a Higher Level
361 Degree Minds, true to the name, came to a higher plane of thinking. By the end of their 2nd year, we were already reconsidering our business identity. We began rigorously reviewing our purpose, our goals, and our directions. This brought about a few major strategic thrusts:
• We felt a compelling urge to make effective education accessible to large numbers at affordable prices. We wanted to blend together access and excellence, the apparently conflicting aspects in the world of learning & education. We invested two full years (2008-2010) and all resources into building in-house our L&E delivery technology (we call it i-meta). It was meant to be a reformation of classroom learning, added to it learner conveniences associated with one-to-one lessons, and much more value for the learner.
• In addition to working with corporates, we have entered new segments with our inventive and innovative programs - governments, academic service providers, and universities & colleges - to cater to their L&E agenda for large numbers at affordable prices. The L&E needs could range from deep internal change to simple awareness creation, with all shades and intensities in between. Due to our L&E delivery technology, flexibilities of geographies, languages, learner competency levels, and learning needs, are smoothly possible.
Ready for India Education 3.0
With our technology infrastructure in place, IP assets built, and tie-up with one of the biggest and best names in distance learning, 361DM is ready to exploit the India Education 3.0 opportunities. These are in the areas of:
• Providing high quality, affordable, and accessible higher education to large numbers simultaneously
• Making the current higher education work by working on employability gaps / employment competency shortcomings
• Helping large corporations to keep their workforce ready for changing business models, technologies, and global markets
• Working with Governments in their agenda of filling gaps in education and skills in key sections of society
These opportunities about India Education 3.0 require large scale yet effective, affordable and accessible learning solutions.
We are ready with the model. Our goal now is to reach half a million learners in 4 years.
In due course, we would emerge as experts in accessible, effective, and reasonably priced education programs to the masses.
Our Current Programs are
Some of our forthcoming (tentatively titled) programs are:

Please contact us
We have an interesting group of investors in the form of corporate and eminent people. For any queries, please write to us at post@361dm.com or call us at +91 91766 79710

• The founders have more than a decade of rich experience in Learning & Education arena touching wide spectrum of society- scientists, corporate professionals, business managers, CEOs, college students, teachers, parents, and school students.
• 361DM was founded by Gopi, Ram, and Ritu in 2006...

When something traverses 360 degrees, it goes round a full circle but it also comes to where it started. Mathematically, 360 degrees is also 0 degrees - reason enough why 360° is not enough...

The founders have more than a decade of rich experience in...

• Conducting special purpose seminars /workshops for college students, school students at NO COST to them.
• Conducting Parenting Workshops in schools, society at NO COST to them